This past week has been a pretty important one in the life of my family, and especially in the life of my sister. Amy's prom was on Wednesday and she graduated on Friday night. It is pretty surreal that she will be going to university next year. At least its not Molly yet, but for those of you who haven't seen her in a while, she just finished fifth grade and will be entering middle school in the fall, so she has graduated in her own little way as well.
I figured that vlogging would be a perfect way to give myself something to do during Amy's graduation ceremony. I don't really like graduation ceremonies because I find them long and drawn out, and I could think of millions of ways that these ceremonies could be shortened - like by raising the passing grade to an 85% or something. Yup. That would do it.
To all my faithful vlog readers (ahem), it is long past due since I have vlogged. I have a hard time finding time to edit in the summer what with my work schedule and spending time with my family. But if you are craving a little Laura time, you should check out my blog. I try to update it as much as possible. I was up to one entry a weekday a little while ago, but I have a few things to do at work now, and so that might start to become less often. Anyway, check it out when you're needing some Laura-Love.
I took some pictures of Amy during her grad and prom. A few of them are on the video. A few others need to be developed. I might show some off in the future.
Warning: Vid takes a few minutes to watch. It was important to me to keep all of this in it though, so please enjoy.