The morning started out bleak and foggy. It was cold and you could barely see in front of you. Come this afternoon though, the sky cleared, and the sun came out. It was beautiful and nice to see for a change in Saint John. I was driving home from town today, and all of a sudden, the sky clouded over and and completely opened up. Down poured the rain. Fast and loud and a huge quantity of rain. It was beautiful. Romantic. I wanted to be in it and getting drenched with the overpowering cooling sensation of vulnerability. I stepped out of my car and heard the powering sound of thunder overhead.
The rain offers such a cleansing of my emotions. I feel like I can get them right out in the open. The feeling of inadaquacy can finally escape through the droplets of rain dripping off my hair and my face and my clothes. I can't escape from the thoughts running through my head, questioning who I am.
Who is this girl that you see
And why can't I see her?
Am I worthy of success? am I worthy of love?
There are so many comparissons,
So many things I am not.
The rain falls
it soaks me so that
I become translucent.
I step into the city,
a nameless face in a faceless crowd.
What part is me
Can you accept that?
What part do you leave behind,
Do you wish for me to be?
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