On my way home from driving my sister to work this morning, I had my arm hanging out of the window, feeling the warm breeze against my face, my hair blowing in the wind behind me, luckily not in front of my face. My sister was sitting in the middle part of the van, we were both singing to mixed CD I had in the player perfect for a warm summer day like today.
Being the safe driver that I am, I was concentrating hard on the road around me and saw something round and dark sitting on the highway. This is not an odd thing as many times you'll see pieces of tire or debris on the road, so I did not pay much attention to it. All of a sudden, the object began to move. Then I saw it - it was a turtle. Thoughts started going through my head, just as I am sure that poor turtle had many thoughts running through his head - I am sure he was seeing his whole life flash before his eyes.
I started wondering how long the turtle had been trying to cross the highway, it was moving at a terribly ssssllllooooowwww pace. Where was it going, and does it cross that highway often? Then I started wondering what turtle would sound like underneath the wheels of a 2000 Windstar. That was the thought that convinced me that I did not WANT to find out.
Just in time, I swerved out into the other lane of traffic. Fortunately, there were no cars close by me. I looked in my rear-view mirror, and could still see that blob of a turtle on the highway. I saw the red car behind me just miss it. The car behind him though, I couldn't say.
I hope that the fearless turtle made it to the otherside. If not, rest in peace dear turtle. I am glad it was not I who was the author of your demise.
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