Wednesday, April 05, 2006

MtA's Last Class Bash

Watch on Windows Media

Technorati Tag: .

Okay, it is SLIGHTLY late, I'll admit! It's been a fairly busy day, and I didn't even go out tonight with my roommates! I did spend time with them at the house until about 11:00pm though, and then got to editing this thing. It's a little long, but bite me! :) I like it!

Plus, she's a little dangerous today. I actually took the camera out and did something different than the talking head routine (which was also dangerous if only for the fact that I had never vlogged before!) So, here is vlog attempt two! Thank you for everyone who commented on attempt one! It really encouraged me to do this again! And I am kind of enjoying it!

For those who don't understand why I am trying to be dangerous, it is the theme of this year's Video Blogging Week; the challenge which challenged me to vlog in the first place!

Also, check out this REALLY GREAT VLOG!!!


DJO said...

Great Vlog entry! You told a good story.

Wish I could have been there with you. I'm gonna take a raincheck on some smores and hot dogs. I actually have some Tofu Dogs here with your name on them :)

Laura said...

HA! Yeah, for some reason, that always pops up when I eat... last time I had a peanut butter and jam sandwhich in the living room, it was right there beside me. We even cleaned off the table before we had our supper. Its a magical Comet cleanser! :)

Anthony said...

The letter M rocks!!!

Okay you are pretty good at this. A natural even or so it seems.

As for your technorati tag, if you haven't signed up with them maybe you should then you can ping your site and that may help get your vlog up there quicker.

May I also suggest you place a quicktime or windows media link in your blog somewhere so that it can be picked up by the aggregators like fire ant.

Good job on this video. I look foward to s'more.

Oh if you have any other questions feel free to drop me an email through my site.

Anonymous said...

I guess I might have confused podcasting with video blogging in my last comment, they are 2 different things really.

And the funny part is as you do more videos you become more and more self conscious of the way you look and act, and of the expressions on your face, at least I do anyway. I'll watch some videos I've done, over and over again, examining every expression on my face and every word I say, and everything I do, and even out in the real world I am very self connscious of my voice, and of what expressions I use, and how I look and act, it's kind of weird. I know I am a perfectionist, and am my own worst critic, I am always trying to improve myself.

You may not make much money doing these videos, But if your doing it to explore different aspects of your personality, and to create works of art, and to make friends, then that's great, you can do it. I gave up on attracting friends a long time ago, I have a unique personality that repels people rather than attracts, but I can still do the first 2 things, and quite well, if I do say so myself. And the beauty of video blogging, is you don't necessarily have to be yourself, you can be anyone you want. You can invent a wide assortment of characters to play if you want to. I know I have, and it's hard for people to tell which is the real me, in my videos.

But I kind of lost interest in video blogging for awhile, I just don't think I am receiving the recognition and appreciation I rightly deserve. I don't expect or look forward to comments much anymore, they are far and few in between, but I know people are watching. And if I leave a comment on someone elses blog, if they don't leave one on mine, I take it as an insult and have a tendency to lash out at them and criticize their work. Not right I know but I sometimes like to just speak off the top of my head, not good again, so I just stopped leaving comments for the most part, less hassle and offense that way.

I know I don't really want to belong to some video blogging group, I've never been a conformist, I like to stand apart from the crowd, and do my own thing. I don't really understand the point of belonging to a video blog group, you just have a group of people basically creating the same types of videos after awhile, they all begin to look the same after awhile, only a very few actually stand out from the crowd, that's why I always thought it was best to just do my own thing and to stand out from everyone else, to do stuff that I don't see any one else doing, thats originality.

But I do have a group of friends who like the "masterpieces" I am creating, and think I am the best thing since sliced bread. So I guess their opinion is all that really matters, it shows they have good taste. If there was a website where people could go and download good taste and some intelligence, I would suggest that most people go there, but as of yet they haven't invented a website like that unfortunately. But it's good to surround yourself with a group of friends, who absolutely worship and adore the work you do.

So in the end I guess what I'm trying to say is if you can't please everyone, and you can't, you have to please yourself, most of all, and if other people don't like what you are doing, then they know where they can go. And to not take yourself too seriously, and to just have fun, for whatevere it's worth.

TrappedInColorado said...

The beauty of this vlog is in it's innocence. Very good choice of music.. really set the mood... you all were very relaxed and the music reflected that. The instream comments were a bit difficult to read but I'll still give it a 8.7.

Ofcourse, the judging criteria will become more strict as your experience increases. :)


Anonymous said...

Very nutritious diet, I must say. Nice to see you wearing the old chucks though. Have a great summer!