Saturday, April 22, 2006

Yesterday's Vlog Part 2

I started off yesterday's vlog with the explanation that since getting home for the summer, my days have not gotten any more relaxing, but perhaps slightly busier. This would be why I made a Part 1 and a Part 2 of my vlogs! So, here is Part 2!

When I got home yesterday afternoon after all the creepy Saint John sexual harassment, I took my other sister out for supper before her swimming lessons. She had wanted to try 'vlogging' too, so we decided to make one together! Here it is!...


DJO said...

Molly, you rock :)

And good job stealing some chocolate and whip cream from Laura. Feel free to stick your finger in any foods that are going to make her sick.

DJO said...

ps. I miss you both!

(...and Amy too)

Anonymous said...

Now I want a brownie.

Damn you!!

Devin said...

I'm in the same boat. Lactose intolerance. And I love ice cream.

Give gelato a try, less creamy, doesn't give me a problem as much as ice cream.

Anthony said...

Adventures with Molly...YES!!! How neat to see a younger person get interested in video blogging.
Another fun video. Great job. And those rolling credits...funny.

Erin said...

Your videos are adorable! Just catching up on some of them. It is so weird to be watching someone vlogging from my hometown. I will be home for a month this summer.. probably bringing my kids to the Aquatic center for some fun :)