Well, this is my problem... I've been having a really hard time doing anything blog/vlog worthy. Actually, that's not entirely true. My life has been extremely full these past few days, and I have been full of emotion, but it isn't the right type of emotion to publicize. I have even found the need to write over the past few weeks, and I have done a little bit of that, and hope to do more - but it just isn't blog writing.
As I have been exploring the world of video blogging recently, I've noticed how different my life is videotaped from my written life. I wish I could sit down and write a blog like Matty writes blogs, or like Dan used to. They write blogs that not only comment on the situation of the world, but that make you laugh as you read it! I am not that funny of a person. And I don't feel comfortable commenting on public events because I worry that I will be seen ignorant. I also don't feel much of a desire to write that way. Maybe it just isn't my style (although I don't know quite what my style is, being "style-less" and all.)
Vlogs are created and viewed in the same nature, especially for someone like me who is not as competent in that form of media as other vloggers might be. For me, a vlog should be interesting, and show the fun side of me. I was thinking about what Michael Tyas said in one of his vlogs, when he was commenting that no one who knows him in the vlogosphere knows his bummed out side because that's not the Michael that he vlogs about (pardon the paraphrase). And I think quite a few vloggers would be in this boat. As much as express and demonstrate emotion through some of my blog writing, I much prefer to vlog when I have something interesting and at least somewhat funny or happy to record. Lately however, I haven't found that opportunity. My one happy-fun-vlog tale was going to be about my new glasses, but that fell through, and now they just become another reason for me to be ticked off and stressed.
Maybe I should just sit down and force myself to vlog. I would do the same thing with blogging, but I suppose that is what I am doing right now! I don't know. I still don't think I can talk to a camera until I get out of this slump that I find myself in now, and that might take a while.
PS - I don't normally post the same thing in both my Xanga and my Blogspot. This is an exception. You should still try to check out both from time to time!
This weekend will give you something to Vlog about! I promise!!
After all, it'll be our first weekend Geocaching together! :o :)
what's geocaching? and my blog makes you laugh? you're weird.
don't worry, i really enjoyed your vlog on the smoothee place, you're very entertaining just being yourself
I can't eat for 12 hours,and I just watched your vblog about the cookies. What Punishment lol. But the cookies looked good anyways. DAVE F
I hear you here. I think similar thoughts sometimes to myself. About how I don't always capture the "bummed" side. But I think I am still in process. Still finding my vlog/blog voice. I think I am still learning how to record my history in word, or video, or text in a way that will be true to what my life really is.
Enjoy the process as it seems you have. And I wouldn't be so tough on yourself. A bunch of folks have been encouraged by or enjoyed your writing and your videos. They are great.
Oh and even if they aren't great to others. They should be great to you they are part of who you are, part of your story and that is important.
never force yourself to vlog or blog, and no one expects you to v/blog anything so personal as to make yourself uncomfortable. I used to have a "no bummed out posts allowed" rule, and I broke it BIG time! I did it out of an inexplicable sudden need to post about a certain experience--and didn't even realise just HOW upset I was until the camera started rolling. I almost didn't post it, but then I thought "but this is still me. Only a sad me and not so funny."
I've been post-free for a week-and-a-half...a record! Why? Because I'm stressed out and busy and gloomy and just don't feel like it right now. But I know I'll get back to it in a day or two.
Post when you feel ready to.
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