Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why I despise video games

I have expressed my dislike for games before. Truthfully, I don't have so much of a problem with it, especially because I know that people who mean a lot to me seem to like it. And I know the advantages of gaming - it brings friends together, it increases dextrousness and hand-eye coordination no doubt, and it increases computer literacy and apparently makes you smarter (I heard that one once.) It doesn't seem too harmful in moderation.

I also understand the disadvantages.

Today, as I logged onto my GoogleHomepage, I happened to click on one of the news links. I was appalled and re-subscribed to my hatred of video games.

Why are women degraded everywhere? On television, in the movies, on music videos, in music, in nuclear power plants! I was watching a vlog just yesterday on how even the vloggosphere is turning into a place where only the hot naked women are appreciated. Everything, everywhere, women are goggled at like fresh meat. And you don't realize it so much as when you work in an industry that is swarming with men. I believe that not all men are equal, but I tend to forget that some men aren't just talking to me because I have a great personality and a good mind.

There's an argument that women are just as bad, and perhaps they are - but the reason for this is because they are sick of being talked about like a toy, and as an act of rebellion, they are doing it right back. And honestly, when I meet a guy, the last thing I think about is sex or how luscious his body is.

This makes me angry.


DJO said...

I don't think its videogames you hate.

The E3 expo is no different than many other expos. Car shows are just as (arguably more) guilty of this same practice.

Attractive women have been used to sell products for a long time. Now you can choose to dislike the product (cars, games, etc...) or you can choose to dislike the practice (advertising, marketing, etc...).

I suppose I have plenty of more thoughts on the matter, but this tiny comment box is hardly the place.

Laura said...

of course - which is why I really did't focus on video games, and I did focus on the whole act in general. So, lets add car shows to the list too! I dont mind hating that, sometimes it seems like guys talk about women about the same way they talk about cars anyway...


Matty Welsh said...

Ban that person who's trying to sell degrees