Being friends with someone containing a newfound love for everything German, I found myself heading down to George's tonight for some good ol' fashioned Oktoberfest partying. Okay, I take back the good... and the old fashioned.... and the partying.
When we walked in the door, Robin managed to state, what is normally the obvious about George's "well, it looks empty".
"zwei Dollar" said the lady at the door to me.
"What?" I exclaim! "Five Dollars? Are you serious?" I figured this a pretty steep door charge. No wonder the place wasn't full.
Suddenly, Alicia steps in behind me.
"No," she says, explaining, "she doesn't take German. Laura, zwei means TWO".
I must admit however skeptical I was about going to a German society party at George's of all places, it was a pretty fun night. The evening was complete with sausages and ginger cookies (without the ginger) and apple strudel and German beer and best of all - real live Germans.
My most memorable part of the night however, occurred just as I was getting up to leave.
"Oh my gosh" I said excitedly to the two real-life Germans sitting with us "Do you know Schnappi?", to which I decide to break down into my very own rendition of Schnappi. To my sheer delight, they actually DO listen to Schnappi in Germany! Although George's didn't play it, I certainly got almost the pleasure of being able to share my 'love' of this songs with my new German friends.
To hear the most incredible song in the world, e*mail or MSN me, and I will certainly send you a Schnappi to keep as your very own!
time to brush up on your German:
slacker! Time for a new blog post.
Dan you can't mock Laura for not updating! It's not her fault that it takes her a long time to post. It's all that shit that she wears on her hands and wrists! they weight her down and it makes it hard for her to write.
Ps - Laura I love your jewelery, don't change it!
I'm glad you like this post, Sarah! Although, I never know what you're saying to me in German! Yeah, REAL LIVE GERMANS! There were two of them... but I am sure that isn't exciting to you who live with them ALL the time. How exciting!
Listen you all, I like my jewelry choice - you know what - I might just go out and BUY some new wooden jewelry! :P
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