Monday, April 03, 2006

The ab-TH-urdity of Vlogging

How is this for a first attempt? I have never ever taken video with my camera before, I have never ever edited video, and I have never ever sat in front of a camera and talked to it for this long (except for one formal interview once for a promotional video someone was doing).

What is the deal with this? I really don't even understand vlogging yet. But you can't be critical until you try, right?


DJO said...


That was thomething thpecial.

Anonymous said...

Another Canadian vlogger! Great to see, welcome.

A quote I like about vlogging is 'mundane is the new punk', so if other vlogs aren't interesting for you - that's cool, they don't have to be. Just do it for yourself, experiment, have fun, learn something new.

Anthony said...

I loved it. This was an awh-thum firth attempt. Really, really great! Please, you must vlog more!!!!
Seriously, I appreciated your opinions, creative edits (you made the best of that cough), and I thought even the lisp was cool.
Welcome to the Vlogosphere!


M-J said...

Haha...I liked it!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the camera lisp. It is for sure the camera that is giving yiu that and not the cold. My bet is you use a picture camera. Ask Casey (Miss Kitka) she had the same. But not the cold tough. Ok enough I do not like talkingheads but you looked nice. LOL
I liked the guitar too.

Anonymous said...

But Even though it's your first video, you still had a list of loyal followers waiting in the wings, champing at the bit to leave a "this was the greatest video I have ever seen" comment. How long were these people lurking in the shadows, just waiting for you to make a video, so they could get their chance to leave one of those comments, so they too could get visitors to their site, and receive the same comments? And the cycle continues on and on throughout eternity.

But it's true though that most video blogs really lack any real meaningful content. Even the most popular video blogs become stale and dry and boring after awhile, (rocketboom). And most people really aren't making any money with their videos anyway, so what's the point?

But of course there are ways of making money with video blogs, it's all a matter of finding out what you know the most about, and producing meaningful content in the videos, and leading people back to your website to sell them something. Video blogging certainly has potential.

missbhavens said...

Videoblogs are no different than text blogs: they are all niche-oriented, and you're sure to find ones that interest you if you take the time to dig really deep. For every twenty you don't like, there will be one that you do!

I think you did just fine talking into the camera (which can be very tricky and feels very weird). Videoblogging isn't all about talking into the camera, though...feel free to go out and film your environment, people you know, places you like! Do it for yourself...but only if you enjoy it!

Feel better soon!

Tiffells said...

okay.. so you and Dan have BOTH now started doing Vlogs... i feel that it is necessary for me to make one, even if, as with you Laura, it is just for an experiment. Oh, well, we will see how things go, i don't know if i like my voice enough to actually tape it. hahahaha

TrappedInColorado said...

Are you sure you've never done this before... very nice.. impressed, I am. Keep it up. You have potential.


P.S. Ofcourse, it is impossible to top missbhavens Bugermeister vlog. :)

Anthony said...

I second missbhavens comments. She said it well. I'm in agreement. Especially about it not just being about talking into a camera though I do that fairly often.
I'm back today looking for more. I'll wait patiently....thanks again for sharing.