Thursday, August 04, 2005


I have been avidly praying over the past few days. Admittedly, I have a hard time with prayer, it is not easy for me to do. I can talk, oh can I talk with people, but I find it hard to understand how to talk to an Almighty God. I cannot disbelieve. Nothing inside of my being will let me, but I can't seem to understand how to form a relationship like I would a father or a friend. I do not know how to tell God what is on my mind, or what worries me. It is all so insignificant.

A few nights ago however, God reminded me of something.

The Lord is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him,
Nahum 1:7
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
Psalm 55:22
It is always His Love which astounds me so much. The rest of it can be learned, but when His Love is experienced, it is something incredible. When I was a few years younger, I wound up feeling very much alone one night. I was tired and upset and as the tears rushed down my cheeks, all that I wanted was a hug. All of a sudden, I felt the warm pressure of arms being wrapped around you, the all encompassing feeling of being safe in someone's arms and of escaping whatever it is that is causing all the pain. But these arms held more comfort and more safety and more love than any others I had the joy of experiencing in my lifetime.

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