Friday, August 12, 2005


It is the complexity of a little girl's mind
As she is flying on the trapeze
Into the arm sof her fairytale prince
Soaring through the clouds
To her bed of soft dreams.
It is the complexity of a world
Where children go hungry
Where war does not cease
There is a craving for money
And murders for power.
It is the complextiy of how the two will one day collide.
So I missed this week's Photo Friday deadline by a day. I do not mind however, because this was the last picture taken by my not-so-good-camera-anyway before it died, therefore quality is less than par. I had the poem written last Friday, when the challenge came out, but I was fooling around too much with the picture on the crap-of-a-photo-editing-program we have on the computer at home. I uploaded it last night, but the poem was still at work. Way to go, Laura.

1 comment:

DJO said...

A great entry.