My job here at Lepreau is WBGT Girl and Fit Testing Girl.
Fit testing takes all the challenge of pushing start on a computer and conversing with Nuclear Plant Employees (most of whom are men).

I have a Habs t-shirt hanging up on my cubicle. It is not my shirt, but was on loan to me because I love such an awesome hockey team. One of the men I was fitting a respirator on started asking me if I was a fan. He told me about the games he had seen, and the players he wishes the Canadians had.
"Sometimes, I think one needs to be religious to be a fan." I told him.
"Being a Habs fan
IS a religion" he corrected me.
WBGTing is another whole ball park. It pretty much consists of me taking temperature of the Turbine Building. This Building is two things: Hot and Loud. Hot is taken care of by me. I make Work/Rest schedules telling the (wo)men how long they can work before they need to rest. Today, it is 105.1 F on elevation 98 (40.6 C). This is a 'No Work' zone, which is ironic, because I am doing work up there.

Loud is controlled by earplugs. There are the Classic yellow ones, in dispensers all over the building. These ones are pretty much little sponges that you roll up and put into your ear canal. I think these may once have been my favorite.

Close to the door of my office, there is a dispense for little foam orange phallic shaped earplugs. These are longer than the yellow ones, and although not much different, I seemed to still prefer the Classic ones. That was, until the orange ones began to run out and a new, more EXTREME type of earplugs were added: THE
Lasar Lite Uncorded Ear Plugs
That's right. These Lasar Lites are fluorescent yellow and hot pink. They maintain the same foam texture as the old and ugly orange ones, but they are closer in shape to them as well. They're great. Now I walk around with pink and yellow stuck out of my ears. Not only do they remind me of a time when fluorescent colours were in, but they also completely clash with my red t-shirt I so happen to be wearing today. If only I was born a decade earlier.
I loooove them! hahha can you snag me some? It wouldn't really be stealing them because, come on now, I'm sure people just take them and play games with them or something.. so REALLY since I would be putting them to good use it would be a good thing!
I am very proud of you for being soo bored at work that you actually thought of writting a Blog about Earplugs.
PS- send me the gmail invite!
Fun looking earplugs. Kinda looks like a Crayola box vomitted in your ears.
Go Leafs Go!
Hahaha, in my good 'ole box factory job we have a plethora of those Classic yellow ones in boxes around the building. I've also taken it upon myself to slowly take about 30 or 40 of them to bring to university with me.... sweet!
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