Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Can You Spot the Similarities?

As I was going through some pictures, I found two that were remarkably similar.

One was from my recent trip to Halifax, when Dan and I were eating Sunday morning brunch and playing around with his camera.

The second picture I found happened to be a pre-Laura picture, one that he simply sent me along with a few others to show me what some of his friends looked like before I had the fantastic oportunity to meet some of them. This picture was amongst them.
Honestly, I sometimes wonder about that boy...


DJO said...


look at me with a hairy face!

These two pictures are entirely different! I can't imagine what you're driving at. Forks and spatulas are NOTHING alike.

L said...

That's not a spatula. It's a PIZZA LIFTER THINGY from Pizza Hut in Charlottetown, PEI!!!!

DJO said...

"pizza lifter thingee?"

What heck is the difference between that and a spatula? If it's a matter of function rather than form, than the fork too can be recognized as a "pizza lifter thingee."

Or am I getting too philosophical about utensils?

L said...

Well, then you've contradicted your own argument to begine with. Fork, spatula same thing. Hahaha.

Tiffells said...

However.. you can see through a Fork.. and in the other one Dan was clearly trying to be a Spatula pirate.. what with the one eye being covered by a makeshift spatula eyepatch... So as you can see. they are completely different. :)

Laura said...
